Nearly a full five years ago, this little tooth came in! (August, 2005) Look closely! It's the bottom can barely see the white popping through the gums.

Then, on June 13, 2010, that same little tooth was the first one to fall out!

After over a week with a "wiggly" tooth, Brock lost his first tooth this weekend!! He was eating his sandwich when all of a sudden, he told Dad that his tooth fell out! No pulling, no tears, just an excited boy who then got to look forward to the arrival of the tooth fairy!
(His little tooth is sitting on the "T" in this picture.
All tucked in and ready for the tooth fairy!
I had spent the afternoon trying to prepare myself for the questions he might ask. How does the tooth fairy get in the house? What does she do with the teeth? But instead, he asked: "Mom, is the tooth fairy quiet?" I just giggled quietly and told him that yes, the tooth fairy is quiet. He'll never know she was there! And sure enough...he never knew.
1 comment:
Congrats, Brock! Wow...time has really flown. The picture of him "trying" to sleep is so great - what a fun memory to document!
(Congrats to you too Mom - I'm choking back a lump in my throat when I just THINK about any one of my boys losing his first tooth! Surely that doesn't have anything to do with how grossed out I am by wiggly teeth...)
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