For those who haven't heard of The Elf on the Shelf, it's a very cute tradition that I would encourage everyone with small children to embrace. You can buy a kit that includes your very own Elf from the North Pole, along with a book telling the story. The first time your Elf visits you, it is your job to name him/her. Our Elf arrived right after Thanksgiving last year and Brock named him Jingle. I thought that was a very cute and appropriate name for our little Elf! Aubree decided this year he should have a last name, of Bell. Brock isn't too keen on this longer name, but we told her if he got to pick his first name, it was only right that Aubree gets to pick his last name. ;-) Jingle sits on a shelf and quietly observes the kids' behavior each day. Every night after they have gone to bed, Jingle flies to the North Pole to report their behavior back to Santa. It's a lot of fun to watch the kids get out of bed (a little faster than normal!) and start looking all over the house for Jingle. The kids can talk to him, and we encourage that, but Jingle has strict orders from Santa not to talk back. We were able to write Santa a letter this year and send it back via Jingle. And to our amazement, Santa replied!
We love our Dear Jingle (Bell) and can't wait for him to return again next year.
On this post you will find a few of Jingle's locations this year. Goodbye Jingle! See you again in 2011!