I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since my last post! What's been going on, you ask? (well, ask or not...you're about to get it!)
Week 1 of my blogging absence:
I can't even remember anymore!
Week 2 of my blogging absense:
We were preparing for my cousin's wedding in Shreveport. I'll give her wedding the blog post it deserves and leave it at that. However, on the family note, our little Aubree started throwing up Friday night at the rehearsal dinner. She threw up in her plate. Tom and I were stunned. "Where did that come from?" She threw up outside the rehearsal dinner. This was no fluke...time to go to the hotel. She threw up in my hands on the way to the hotel. "TOM! PULL OVER!" She threw up a few more times before falling asleep.
Saturday morning we cautiously gave her applesauce and pedialyte which stayed down. Hooray!
(This is Aubree's warning...yeah, nothing. Picture taken about 2 minutes before the "FUN" started.)
Brock and I headed for the church around 10:30 for pictures. The wedding started at 1:30. A LONG time for a 4 year old to be quiet/still/clean/behaved/cooperative! Tom, Aubree & the family arrived a little before the wedding. They joined me in the pew. Five minutes prior to the wedding processional, Aubree throws up in the pew...all over Tom's suit pant!!!!
Our ring bearer makes it down the aisle, but doesn't quite manage to cooperate with the rest of his duties.
We make it through Saturday night with a few unexpected wardrobe changes, but no other dramatic moments.
Sunday we head home. Around Waco, we stop for a bite to eat. We let Brock play. We get back in the car. He looks flushed and miserable! I yell for the empty coffee cup and catch a cup full of puke while in route on I-35. Nice! We pull over, change his shirt, and keep going. The poor child throws up NINE TIMES between Waco and San Antonio! He continues until about 11:00 that night.
Week 3 of my blogging absense:
Monday I stay home with him. Thanking God it seemed to skip Tom and I!
Tuesday I go to work. Around 10:30pm, it attacks me! I knew the routine by then and was throwing up nearly every hour for 12 hours. It was a horrible bug.
Wednesday around 5, I'm on the couch. Daycare calls. Aubree now has diarrhea! Will this ever end???
Thursday I'm home with Aubree.
Friday I'm finally back at work, and KNOCK ON WOOD, we seem to be healthy again!!!
Saturday was pictures of the kids and soccer registration.
Sunday was relaxing with the kids & the wii.
And that brings us to today!
What about the house? Any bites?
In reading your post, I couldn't help but be reminded of a time when you and I once complained about being bored and would repeatedly ask one another, "What do you want to do?" and "I don't know, what do you want to do?" Ahhh, hard to believe now that such a time ever existed. Also, easier to understand why our parents never took pitty on our boredom. If only to be so lucky to have boredom be a problem!
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