Since Charla asked, and since all we ever think about is keeping the house clean and ready for a showing, I figured it deserved a post of it's own.
We've had our house on the market for a year now. An anniversary I wish I didn't have to celebrate.
The house looks good. The feedback we've been getting is positive in the sense there is nothing we can change. Either they want something bigger, newer, older, different layout, fireplace, etc. Another tidbit of information from our realtor is the other houses are just killing us right now. We are priced low, but when you have neighbors practically giving away their houses due to foreclosures or other "must-move" scenarios, that doesn't work out in your favor. But we're in a good area, a good district, priced very well in terms of what the property is worth, and just waiting for "THE RIGHT" buyer.
We are pretty sure we have our next house picked out. With the very nice bonus our company got this year, it seals the deal on a good down payment, and for that I'm grateful.
While I'm so very ready to move out of this house, I must think back and remember the very good memories we've made here.
* It was our FIRST HOUSE of our very own! (and MY! don't we look YOUNG!)

* It was the house where we brought home our first baby boy!

* Tom built his very first retaining wall and made a very nice area for our huge swing set.

* We housed family for a month or so during their big move back to Texas!!
(And so happy they came back!)

* We tried our hand at various home improvement plans. Well, my plans, Tom's hands. ;-)
- laminate wood flooring

- bathroom makeovers & window sills
- deeper sink & new faucet
- new carpet
- new & enhanced light fixtures
* It was the house where we brought home our little baby girl!

* It was the house where we brought home our first baby boy!
* Tom built his very first retaining wall and made a very nice area for our huge swing set.

* We housed family for a month or so during their big move back to Texas!!
(And so happy they came back!)

* We tried our hand at various home improvement plans. Well, my plans, Tom's hands. ;-)
- laminate wood flooring

- bathroom makeovers & window sills
- deeper sink & new faucet
- new carpet
- new & enhanced light fixtures
* It was the house where we brought home our little baby girl!
But until the right buyer comes along, we will just keep Wishing, and Hoping. Thinking, and Praying (a LOT). Planning, and Dreaming...and of course, CLEANING!
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