A Sad Goodbye
* We had to say goodbye to our dear friends and neighbors. Luckily, friendships like this don't end, so even though we're not across the street, we are only a 5 mile (and rather traffic-filled 281) drive away. I made the boys a photo book since they are the very best of friends. It captured pictures and memories since they were born. I LOVE IT!
* Both got delayed. A wonderful new regulation caused us to wait 72 hours to think about our loan when the interest rate dropped. If that doesn't make sense to you, don't worry...it doesn't make sense to anyone! We can thank Washington D.C. for that one.
* Finally closed on the new house Monday (4/19). We had such wonderful helpers to load our truck, then unload into the new house and also unload both storage units! You always know true friends...they will work for not much more than a pat on the back...and perhaps some pizza and beer! :-)
* Still awaiting a closing on the old house. Yep, we currently own two houses. Someone told me this is the time to go to a reunion..."well, my OTHER house is...". Ha! I'd be just fine owning one.
* Learned today the mortgage processor for our buyers has been sitting on his rear and tried to throw our realtor under the bus for not getting this deal done. After our realtor provided plenty of paperwork and communication trails, and finished a conference call with the VP of the company, the mortgage processor no longer is employed. The VP is personally taking over the case and we should have some good news tomorrow.
* Those of you who read my St. Joseph post knows we buried him in our yard and have prayed faithfully each day to help sell our house. After it sells, you are supposed to dig him up and put him in a place of honor in the new house. We have dug and dug and dug...we CANNOT FIND HIM! We can't figure out how we're missing him, but Tom has put a lot of effort into trying to locate our dear St. Joseph.
Even Aubree has tried to "help"?!?!?!?!
The BIG 3-1

The only thing I was responsible for at the party was bringing my camera and taking pictures. Guess what I forgot in the haste of packing and moving? Yep! The camera. I think my sister has forgiven me, but I will say the pics I took with my mom's camera turned out pretty darn good anyways!
* The Shooting Stars are in full swing for Spring YMCA Soccer! And this team mom is up for yet another challenging role of juggling work, kids, home, soccer, etc. THANK GOODNESS for my co-star, Tom!
ok...I can't get the formatting to look good...and there are boxes calling my name. Please forgive me! ;-)
Love the update and all of the pics! So glad you were able to get in to the new house and I'll be praying that the other house closes quickly.
Enjoy getting settled in and meeting all the new neighbors.
Whew! So do you have any time to sleep?? :)
I'd love to see more pics of the home whenever you get a chance, but I don't blame you if that will be sometime in July. haha;)
I love that last pic of Brock's soccer team -- great shot, Team Mom!
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