I'm happy, excited, thrilled, can't hardly wait!!!
I'm sad, hesitant, unsure.
I feel like I'm closing a chapter of my life. I won't re-hash the post I wrote a couple months ago, but this house definitely made us a FAMILY. A family that continues to grow and get stronger each day.
Every day the reality settles in a little more. And here's why!!!!!
Top 10 Reasons you know you're about to move!
10. You feel like you're back living in an apartment. (No house furnishings, cardboard table in the
9. You lose your garage space.
8. You buy the larger package of bubble wrap because it comes in a box!! (to use later)
7. You get quite creative in meals - NO grocery shopping until we move in!
6. The more you move out, the dirtier your house looks!
5. You let your 5-year-old use a black magic marker.
4. You ask yourself at least once an hour: "Why did I buy this?" "Where did this come from?"
3. Hide-and-go-seek places really start to become abundant.
2. You clean the oven. (for the first time EVER...note to self: Let Tom do it after the next 6 years!)
1. Your son gets a kick out of using the restroom because "it sounds funny in here". "echo...echo...echo..."
Lori, I love your posts. I am so happy for you and your new moving adventure.
~Mindy Vallejos
Thanks Mindy!! I just get excited when I know people actually read them. :)
Can't wait to check out the new place once y'all get settled in. Sea World fun pass will equal multiple trips to S.A....ah-ha!
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