Saturday, August 9, 2008

First Timer

Alrighty, everywhere I turn, my friends are all starting and maintaining blogs. Some maintain better than others, but there is one thing in common. I love reading them. My last day of work before maternity leave was yesterday. I have three more days until this little girl is induced. SO, what's a soon-to-be-mom-of-two to do than add one more thing to her life? If I can manage to get one post out a week, I think a congratulations will be in order. I'm taking 12 weeks off hopefully in those 12 weeks, you'll see at least 12 posts from us! After I return to working a full time job...shuffling 2 kids back and forth to daycare...supporting Tom through his last semester of grad school...and, well, you get the picture...we'll see how well I can keep up!! :)
I'm at least hoping this will let everyone see and hear how our little girl is doing in her first few weeks...and how her big brother is adjusting to not being the only child and sole attention stealer in this house.

OK, let's get this show started!!!

1 comment:

Nana Paula said...

Writing as well as you do, you must be MY daughter! Well done, Lori! What a coincidence that I was just talking about blogs while getting my hair cut this morning, and minutes later, I'm posting my "first timer" blog! (Wish my friends in China's blog was as easy to find as yours!) I'll be encouraging you to keep up the good work you've started here.