Looking back on this year, I've learned even more about life, even more about love, and even more about motherhood! Life is constantly changing. You have to learn to be flexible! I remember two days very clearly. February 16, 2005 and August 12, 2008. Days that have changed and shaped my life forever.
From a child's perspective, I learned that your mother truly is always there for you! Even at age 29-30, I still found I needed my mom. My mom still teaches me right from wrong. My mom still helps grow my faith to new levels each year. All of this only proves to me that my job will not end in a mere 18 years...nope...we're in this for the long run.
From a mother's perspective, I've learned that no matter how much you think your mother loves you, you can bet she loves you that much more. I've watched my kids grow and explore life. I have found that when I thought there was no more love I could have in my heart, I have another child and it just multiplies again to make more room! (Perhaps that's why I can't get rid of some of those pesky pregnancy pounds???)
I've also learned that when you think you can't POSSIBLY handle one more thing on your plate, life serves you something, and you somehow manage. (This must be where the term, super mom comes from!)
Tom handed Brock a little box who then handed it to a sleepy mommy as she snuggled with her boy. As a symbol of my first mother's day with two kids, Tom had bought me a ring with two bands of diamonds. One for each child. I LOVE IT! He also gave me a bracelet with both Brock and Aubree's name on it. I was nearly speechless. Ok, when am I EVER speechless??? :)
I got up to breakfast ready and waiting on me and the rest of the day was just as grand. Tom and Brock even went to the grocery store and came home with a dozen red roses. It kept going, and going, and going! We ended the day with Tom's FABULOUS homemade lasagna. It was truly a wonderful mother's day!
I also received very wonderful hand-made gifts from my darling kiddos! I just LOVE Aubree's flower where her feet are the leaves. I also had a very heart warming moment when I read the first card Brock made all by himself! He's getting so big!!! The inside had two stick figures, labeled "MOM" and "ME"...both standing by a rather LARGE flower! ;) It was just PERFECT!
It's been quite a year! I'm thankful for my beautiful family. I'm thankful for my healthy kids. I'm blessed to no end and I thank God every day!
Happy Mother's Day to all of YOU mothers, grandmothers and mothers-to-be out there. May God bless all of you!
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