Little Miss Aubree is 9 months old today. We don't go to her 9-month appointment for a few more days, so I don't have official stats just yet. I will post them as soon as we go.
She has come a long way in the past month. This little girl is on the MOVE!
She sits, she pulls up, she army-crawls, she crawls on all four. She babbles, she says "da-da-da-da-da", she screetches, she chuckles. She clearly knows the sights and sounds of Mommy, Daddy, and Brock. She loves to listen to music (even mommy's singing! --what a trooper!), is VERY nosey, still loves her thumb, and her favorite place to sleep is in HER bed. She things stage 2 baby foods are very yummy and has recently started eating Fruit Puffs! YUMMY! And, only 25 calories for 66 of them! Hmmm, think I could pull that off at work for a snack???
She is at this FANTASTIC age where she is somewhere between not doing anything, and getting into everything! As a second time mother, I know this doesn't last long, so I'm trying to cherish it as much as possible! Dare I say she's "easy" now? Yes, I'm sure next week I'll be blogging that I never should have said that, but it's true...for now. And we have a routine! (Which will no doubt be disrupted as soon as we begin some major teething again.) However, this once very HARD baby is now one who makes me smile, makes me laugh, lets me sleep and makes me love being a mom!
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