Do you have those days when you just "Don't Understand"? I'm having that day today.
A dear friend of mine is fighting a battle many couples fight. She and her husband want a family so badly but are unable to start one on their own. They are two extremely amazing individuals. Two people who would nurture and cherish and love their children unconditionally. I pray for them often, but I just don't understand! Why is it that two amazing people cannot bring a child into this world? Why is it that weak, unfaithful, unlawful people have children every day and in far too many cases abandon, abuse and neglect those innocent little lives? My grandmother always said when she got to Heaven, she wanted to ask God one question: "Why didn't He give everyone a child of each sex?" I always liked that question and would like to know that answer myself seeing as I have one of each and can't imagine what people are missing out on! However, I think I'll leave that one to Grandma (and have her give me the answer later!) and ask God my question. Why can't good, deserving people have children? It's a question I may never understand. All I can do is pray. I pray that my friends are able to have a child of their own. If not, I pray they are able to rescue a child in need of such wonderful parents. And I pray and praise God for the two little blessings in my life. I'm pretty sure if Tom even looks at me the wrong way, I could end up pregnant. I wish I could share that "blessing (??)" with others.
Your post reminded me of the classic Lori days when I frequently heard, "Do you ever wonder why...?" Miss you roomie!
Those are great questions - and yours is definitely one I'd like to know the answer!!! Our experiences have brought us full circle - from trying and trying and going through fertility specialists for over 2 years just to have Caleb, and then deciding when Caleb was a year old to start trying again because we didn't know how long it would take - just to be pregnant a month later, to NOT trying AT ALL and my current 'swollen' status! I feel as though I can relate to nearly every woman on the journey to having children...
I have to know that the Lord has a child out there for your friend - whether the child is born of her blood or of her heart. He knows the desires of our hearts, and He never fails.
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