Our little Princess Baby is turning ONE in a little over a month! I figure since not many people other than my family ever read my blog (if they even read it!), I'd let you know we are planning to hold Aubree's party on Saturday, August 22nd! If you're not family, are reading this blog, and are willing to come to San Antonio for a birthday party, we'd absolutely LOVE TO HAVE YOU! (That would be a pretty funny way to find out who all reads my blog!)
And, for anyone who knows or has a little girl, I highly recommend the book above. The Easter Bunny brought this book to Aubree this year and ever since we've been calling her "Princess Baby"!
a blurb from the book:
and it goes on to finish with:"But I am not a buttercup
or a giggly goose.
I am not a cupcake.Please don't call me Little Lamb,
and never ever
Sweet Gumdrop."
"My name is PRINCESS BABY!"
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