Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Trick

I'm pretty sure a parent's memory fades over time. Meaning, I probably don't remember as much as I think I do about raising Brock when he was a baby. HOWEVER, I TRULY, HONESTLY DO NOT BELIEVE he was as much trouble as our dear little Aubree!!

Aubree's newest trick is climbing. And climbing. And climbing some more! Dear Santa, please bring Aubree a helmet, pads and jungle gym!

You can't take your eyes off of her...for even a second. I thought I was such a clever mom. I took away the kid table since she wouldn't stop climbing on it. It is now folded up, behind the couch. She trumped me. She has started climbing on every chair in the kitchen. She'll get to a standing position and jump up and down with a grin like she is the cutest and most ingenious kid ever! If you don't get to her soon enough, she will then climb to the table top. Do we want to start a guess as to when this kid ends up in the hospital for an injury???

Victory #1: Conquered the Little Tykes table like it was two inches tall!

Victory #2: I can stand up on the chairs all by myself! Giving mom & dad a slight heart attach every time my foot starts heading towards the edge.
Victory #3: NOT PICTURED: ON TOP of the table! By that point, mom and dad are running towards me time to capture that photo opportunity!

But you really think LITTLE 'OL ME could cause all this trouble???? Nah...I didn't think so. I'm an angel!

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