Her random illnesses started after her 15-mo checkup. (which by the way, she was 24 pounds and 33 inches tall!) She got her H1N1 vaccine while we were there. The day after receiving her vaccine, her leg started swelling, turned bright red, and there was nearly a 4" diameter red circle over her injection site! It went down after a couple days, but that was definitely something new for us!
(the black dots were my attempt of watching to see how much it spread day to day.)

If you read my last post, you'll know that she had quite an interesting rash over Thanksgiving. It showed up around Wednesday. Spread over her entire right side of her body on Thursday and by Friday it seemed to stop spreading. Saturday it seemed to be fading a little, and by Sunday it looked almost like little bruises.

She also developed a pretty bad cough and runny nose starting on Thanksgiving. The fever came next. By Sunday she was a very miserable baby girl! Something was definitely wrong, and suspecting an ear infection, I didn't want to wait until the pediatrician's office opened on Monday. SO, early Sunday morning we headed to the emergency room.
Here is a picture of Aubree BEFORE going to the ER: That's not a typical Aubree face.
They checked her out. She was running a 101.6 degree fever by then. Turns out mom was right and she most definitely had an ear infection in her right ear. I had the doctor take a look at her rash as well. She told me it might have been a case of the chicken pox. I told her I was surprised because it never spread. She said since she got vaccinated at 1 year, it might have helped it not spread and be as bad as the normal chicken pox. We got our prescription and left.
I decided to call her pediatrician Monday morning to let them know about our weekend and find out if we needed to schedule a follow up visit. When I told them about the possible chicken pox, they said the wanted to see her right away. HOWEVER, they asked that I call when we arrived so they could let me in the BACK DOOR! I've never been asked to use the back door at a doctor's office before! Leave it to Aubree to get us a special pass!
After waiting in our car in the parking lot for 30 minutes while they were letting a room free up, we got in and guess what? Dr. G said it did NOT look like chicken pox to him! He also didn't have a clue what it was. Perhaps some sort of viral rash? He wasn't concerned...so I wasn't concerned. He checked her ears and turns out her ear infection had turned into a double ear infection. I'm so glad we had already started antibiotics!
She seems to be doing much better now. The medicine must be kicking in, and the motrin is helping her as well. That was THREE interesting health topics all in the course of two weeks. Hopefully we're done calling the doctor for a while!
1 comment:
Poor Aubree! Stephen told me he saw something on Facebook about Aubree going to the hospital and I feel so bad I haven't commented till now. I hate she is having to go through all of this and hope that she is feeling better.
I'm glad to hear that your family had a great Thanksgiving otherwise, and can't believe that the annual "Tour of Texas" is quickly upon us. You ready? :)
Can't wait to see you next weekend!
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