Brock's current kick is Superman and Star Wars. As a mom who had no older brothers growing up, it's very eye-opening and entertaining! I'm learning more about super heroes than I ever knew possible. I am also being enlightened into a whole new childhood through the eyes of a boy. QUITE different from the girl perspective! I've said this many times, but I feel SO blessed to have both a boy and a girl. Aubree is only nearing 6 months old, but they are already so different. It's so much fun to experience the super hero fantasies through little boys and know I have the ballerina princess fairy tales coming with my baby girl.
Here is just a sampling of the fun we've been having lately:
Some people use this as a baby activity mat...apparently, we use it as the living room centerpiece! I don't know who is having the most fun here...the kids or the dog!
Brock and Elise swing at the park. I think both of their faces are hilarious!
I'm cleaning my room...glance over, and, I'm sorry, Spiderman, is walking over to me with Q-tips hanging out of his ears and he's singing his own Valentine's Day Song. WHERE does he come up with this stuff??
That's my girl!!! Miss Flexibility at a young age! Her momma can still high kick like a champ! Though, these days, I pay for it the day after!
My little Lady...Bug.
LOVE the GRIN!!! With ALL those months of fussiness...this grin is HEAVEN!
OINK! OINK! Brock shows off his barnyard side at Addison's birthday party!
Spiderman and Spiderbear. The next Batman & Robin!
I get a kick out of this picture...and love those eyes!
My little pink & chocolate princess!
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