Anyone who has been to a 1st birthday party will definitely agree...FIRST BIRTHDAYS are the BEST!!! It is always exciting to see if a 1-year old will approach their cake with caution and curiosity, or dive in head first with excitement! Aubree took the latter approach, but at least spared her head and decided to dig in hands first. It took all of about 15 seconds for her to get going. Once she did, you couldn't stop her! She did some major damage, and when you thought she was just about done having fun, she started banging the cake with the palms of her hands, causing cake chunks to fly across the room! It was definitely a sight to behold, and one my camera did not do justice. (I'm not smart enough to get my DVD video into chunks to share on my computer.)
"Before" pics of Aubree's cake, and the Guest cake

Just LOOK at that smirk through the pink icing!

Half time to get the little Princess all cleaned up!

This is her After-Cake party dress!

Hamming it up with her honorary Aunt Loni

I have to boast just a little, the party was great! The house looked so cute, decorated in hot pink and bright green. Nana, Grammy, Aunt Dede & Aunt Meredith were a lot of help preparing for the festivities. They even took 1st place in the high chair decorating challenge I threw at them!
I know Aubree had a good time. She was, after all, the center of attention and held nearly the whole time. Two things she definitely loves! It was SO wonderful to have so many friends and family share the special day with us. The kids all had fun, the adults did too, and Aubree made out like a bandit in terms of birthday goodies! She should never be bored, and she will always be the best dressed kid at school!
Princess Aubree and some of her loot!

I love you baby girl! And I love 1st birthday parties!

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