New post! (We're ALMOST DONE with the Holiday recap!)
Round 6 was spent in Victoria with Lori's Grandma and their extended family. At this house we were only missing 3 cousins and 1 aunt! That's really good stats!!! This is my mom's side and she has 4 brothers & sisters. They each have a spouse. And between all of them, they have 14 kids, 3 kid-in-laws and now 5 great grandkids! That's another full house!
GG introduces Aubree to Tag...again. One of these times she'll remember! ;)

Our own Little Guitar Hero serenaded us with his jammin!

We had a great day with everyone. What's funny about growing up is that you never really grow up. I think my cousins (mostly the ones in their late 20s) had more fun playing with Brock & Aubree's toys! They even managed to make Spike (the dinosaur) into a drinking game!! What is the world coming to when a 3-year old toy is a drinking game. (That world is my family! Gotta love them!!)

Flip Cup...a rematch from Thanksgiving!

Cousin Thomas teaches Aubree the basics of 42. She looks a bit perplexed. Maybe next year?

Even though this family likes to have some rowdy fun...and we ARE fun! And use 3-year old toys for drinking games, we never forget why we are here in the first place. Every year we sing Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus and blow out the candle on the Angel Food Cake. Great tradition Grandma! And one I'd like to keep around in my family until my days of grandmotherhood.

Merry Christmas again to everyone! And Happy Birthday to you, Jesus! Thank you for the life we have.
And not to forget...our BIG NEWS for Christmas...Aubree ROLLED OVER for the first time! Yea Aubree! Unfortunately, she likes to do it ninja style and is really sneaky. We haven't actually witnessed it yet! She'll go down for a nap on her tummy, and wake up on her back!
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