* I'm thankful for my husband. I love him more than words can describe. Just the other day he told me he wants to spend the rest of his life letting me know just how much he loves me! Diddo!
* I'm thankful for my beautiful, healthy children! As we get older, we tend to notice just how blessed we are! Brock and Aubree are truly our little miracles and only another parent can understand how deeply they are loved!! I also find it amazing how they can drive you crazy and you're crazy about them...all at the same time! ;)
* I'm so thankful to have all my family living in Texas again! Since my parents moved out of state when I was a sophomore in college, and only moved back a couple years ago...I spent a lot of time being 15+ hours away from them! Now, being just about 2 & 4 hours away is such a blessing! My mom is coming up next weekend and I genuinely enjoy our little weekends together! I'm happy we can do it more often!
* I'm thankful for not being pregnant so I can TAKE all the GOOD COLD MEDICINE this year!! :)
* And as a pretty random one (because I have a couple pictures to go along with it)...I'm thankful that both of my kids can be captivated by the tv! (This one is good and bad...but with as busy as we can get sometimes, it's nice to know I can occupy them long enough to get something done!)
Here are some pictures of the ONLY thing these two kids have in common so far! (ok, except their parents!)
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