I've said it before, I'll say it again. Kids (especially mine) crack me up! They are just so funny. The other day Brock was playing outside while I was sitting at the kitchen table working on the computer. After some time, he came inside and said that there was a girl out there who wanted to play with his bouncer (bounce house). Knowing that the only girls we have around us in the back are a couple middle school/high school girls next door, I highly doubted they wanted to play with Brock and his bouncer. I asked him what her name was. He didn't know, so then I asked him to go outside and ask the girl her name. He walked to the retaining wall we have in the back, leans down "talks" and then comes back inside and tells me the girl's name was "Pinky". At this point I'm biting my tongue not to burst out laughing. KNOWING this was a story to blog about...I called Tom into the room and then asked Brock to go ask Pinky if she wanted to play today, or tomorrow. That's when I got this picture. :)

Because this was just too funny, I then asked Brock to go stand by Pinky so I could get a picture of him and his new friend.
YOU can see Pinky, right??? :)
I figured this kid must be starved for more kid interaction (coincidentally this was during his 2 week break from school) so we made sure to play with his real friends as much as possible in the last few days of the break. :)

too cute!
What a hoot! Thanks for sharing this story - Brock can't deny that he had an imaginary girlfriend named Pinky in 10-15 years (right when it will embarrass the heck out of him!). Way to get him to take a picture with 'her' too!
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