Boy did we start today off great! I had both kids up, dressed, and all morning "stuff" done and out the door by 6:33am! Loading Brock into the car, I managed to find the lost white transformer and it was amazing how I instantly became Brock's hero! I love moments like that!
(I know the picture is pretty random, but Brock took this picture of me. He's getting pretty good!)
Kids dropped off...got to work...and lots of work...and then something big happened. For lunch, I decided to go to the Apple store. Do we even need to proceed and let you know how this turned out? I've been saving gift cards, reward points, and more. With the impromptu bonus I got yesterday at work, it was just enough to nudge me into our iPhones! I hadn't talked to Tom yet this morning, but managed to text him to say: "Your phone will probably lose service today." And it did! So, poor Tom is phone-less until I see him tomorrow, but I'm betting this shiny new iPhone will make up for any inconvenience it may have caused.
After work we had a little adventure. I took the kids to pick up Brock's tux at Al's. Aubree decided to start us off with a REALLY MESSY diaper! Using the non-public restroom, I conquered and went onto my next mission. Getting Brock to try on his tux while trying to maneuver in a smaller than small dressing room and all while Aubree is crawling out under the door and into other stalls...WHILE THERE ARE GUYS IN THERE!! Ok, so it was quite funny! This guy comes out with her and says (to Aubree): "Does she look familiar?" They were all really nice and easy going, but if I ever wished I had 4 arms, it was today! Hey...maybe there's an app for that?? ;)
We made it through and headed home. I was stunned to witness RAIN for about 5 minutes. I haven't seen that in quite a while!
Second verse...same as the first...dinner, playtime, baths, bottles, bed. Now, mommy is playing on her iPhone, blogging, and preparing to go wash some dishes. All the while, trying to keep the house cleaner than clean for any prospective house buyers...and packing to leave by 8am tomorrow! Phew!
I joke a lot about my single mom adventures, but my heart truly goes out to those who face these challenges every day! One kid is tough. Two is quite a challenge. And I have no clue how people do this with more than 2! I especially think about all of the soldier's wives who bear all these responsibilities while also dealing with the uncertainty of their spouse's safety. May God bless them all!
Not sure I'll get a blog in tomorrow...so here's the run-down for day 3:
8 - leave the house; get Sarge to the vet
9 - swim lessons for Brock
11 - meet Cathy, Avery & Jane in San Marcos at the outlet mall
To The Spillmann's for lunch, and playtime/swimming/wear the kids out!
3ish - Head out to El Campo. Cathy and I will brave the 2 1/2 hour drive with THREE kids! Unfortunately, Aubree is not an easy car-rider, so it could be pretty interesting!
7 - wedding rehearsal
8 - rehearsal dinner
Check back after the weekend for the next wedding update!