We've been having a rather hard time with Brock accepting swimming lessons. He loves the water, but hates getting his head/eyes wet. We bought him goggles hoping they would do the trick. They help, but we're still a long way from classifying ourselves in the fish category. Tom and I decided we are not above bribery. Each swim session is two weeks long. Since the debates/frustrations/tears have been quite excessive this week, we figured after each 5-day stretch, we'd give a REALLY BIG SURPRISE! Ok, so big to a 4-year old!
Brock has asked me to come watch him several times this week. Parents aren't encouraged to attend lessons except for Fridays to keep the distractions to a minimum. Since I was taking Friday off in preparations of the wedding weekend, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to go watch. With this opportunity, there was an even larger opportunity to have a few hours of just Mommy and Brock! Something that is pretty rare these days!
Here are the details of our day, or should I say...date? :)
First Stop: Swim Lessons at school. (Very convenient to drop Aubree off while I watch Brock, then we get to head out for more fun!)
Brock did ok. I was just very proud of him for trying each activity. If you notice in the picture below, Brock has a death grip on Ms. Molly during the back float!

Next Stop: Target! I bought this big boy a new swimsuit...which HE picked out. Another attempt at making the mornings go just a little more smoothly! By the way, have I mentioned before how GOOFY he is???

Last Stop: Movie theater to see the movie, "UP"! Brock was absolutely THRILLED to see the cardboard set up for the new Transformers movie! I think he would have been happy if we had stopped our day right there! Perhaps a trip to the new movie is in his future if swim lessons continue to progress. (And if we deem the movie suitable for his young eyes!)

Brock and I split a bag of popcorn, cuddled up together and enjoyed the movie. It was good. It was a little sad. It was funny. It wasn't my favorite Pixar movie, but I'm still very happy for the quality time I was able to spend with Brock! Thank goodness for days off!
AND, in the midst of all this fun, Daddy was interviewing for an Assistant Principal position. We wish him luck and pray that God leads him where he needs to go!

The rest of the day was spent packing, driving and rehearsing! However, I'm just pooped! Off to bed for me and I'll try to put the wedding recap out here sometime this week.
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