I’ve noticed that quite a few times lately, I’ve had the chance to look or think about my kids and I realize this: It’s going by too fast. There are so many times when I find myself wanting to rush through things, and essentially, life.
- Would he PLEASE hurry up and learn to use the potty?
- Will she PLEASE just get to this magical “three-month” age they say that colic might disappear?
- Would she PLEASE start walking so my arm doesn’t get sore carrying her everywhere?
- Will he PLEASE turn 5 so I can get him into public school and stop paying for daycare?
- Can this weekend PLEASE be over because we have 4 major events, out of town travel and more to squeeze into just two days?
- Can it be July already since we have out-of-town commitments 4 out of 5 weekends coming up?
Instead, I need to remind myself what I just said…it’s passing too quickly and I need to slow down and enjoy it!
My mom very recently pointed out that she thinks I’m not ready for this to be over. Could there be a “third” in my future? I assured her, and you, that Lori’s plan is OVER. I’ve said it before, and my friend Sara will most likely laugh again, but we’re only going for 3 if God says so!
But here is my answer to her. No, I’m DEFINITELY not ready for all the moments to be over. But we ARE done! I love my favorite boy and my favorite girl so dearly! I think though, that from watching Brock, I realize all too well how fast this whole thing flies by. I don’t want it to be over. I truly wish I could keep them in this stage for another year without letting them grow up any. I could even handle a year long extension on getting potty-trained if it meant I could keep Aubree at 9 months for another year! It’s not fair how fast they grow. I guess God makes up for that by giving you new adventures, new “favorite stages”, new blessings. But I don’t know…sometimes when I sit back and truly think about my blessings (and try to look past all the chaos of our weeks), I wonder if it gets any better than this? Flashes of Brock snuggling with me in church, giving that contagious-make-you-smile belly laugh, cracking you up with a random "where did THAT come from?"…Aubree giving her "HA" (you just aren't that funny mom) laugh, watching her focus so hard on any spec of dirt/rock/string on the floor that just MUST go into her mouth, and Aubree just being Aubree (those of you who know Aubree well might chuckle at that…she is quite the unique and extremely Funny child!)…I love it!

And one final note…I think there might already be a petition going around (signed by personal friends, work friends, family, my HUSBAND) to NOT allow pregnant-Lori to ever surface again…by any means necessary.
1 comment:
You called it - I'm laughing, and you know exactly why!!! :)
But it is sooo true - especially on the days that it's just flat hard to be a parent - that we need to stop a bit more often and just 'breathe in' who our children are at that very moment.
For that reason alone, I am soooo thankful for my camera... hehe :)
I can't believe we've never met each other's kids. That has GOT to change.
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